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November 26, 2016

Welcome to Rasp and Rivet

The first post on Rasp And Rivet.

This is Rasp And Rivet, your source for unbiased product reviews.

Sign up for the Rasp And Rivet newsletter to receive in-depth articles about gear I test myself and gear not available to the public yet.

I buy products that look good, use them and tell you what it’s really like. If the product sucks, I tell you.

I’ll be reviewing all sorts of products, from sharpening stones to hand saws to chisels to headlamps to fishing equipment to who knows what else. If I have to class my content, I’ll probably class it as camping, outdoor, fishing; that sort of thing.

But I won’t pigeonhole myself into one or two categories. I might choose to review a new kettle or a dozuki saw. Or perhaps a tile leveling system.

I also write about crowdfunding projects. These are products in pre-production. I’ve found that many crowdfunded projects don’t deserve the attention they receive, while others need all the attention they can get.

Welcome. Hope you enjoy reading my content. I’d appreciate it big time if you purchase through affiliate links on this site. That’ll give me reason to continue producing top quality, honest, unbiased reviews.

You can read more about Rasp And Rivet on the About page.