Let’s calculate the cost of a cup of coffee made with the AeroPress.
Let’s say the AeroPress gives you 365 days of service. It’ll last much longer if looked after, but for the sake of this argument we’ll use a year.
You make two filter coffees with the AeroPress every day. You don’t take sugar or milk (to simplify the calculation).
That’s an annual quantity of 730 cups of black coffee without sugar. Sugar is bad for you in any case. Links to cancer, that sort of thing.
You don’t reuse your filters (also to simplify the equation).
We’ll cost water and electricity at $0.40 per cup.
You use two paper filters every day. A filter costs you $0.04 each. That’s $0.08 per day for 365 days.
You buy Death Wish coffee. It costs $1.25 per ounce ($0.04 per gram).
Each filter coffee needs two scoops of ground coffee. At the proper grind level this amounts to 1.05822 oz (30 grams) (15 grams per scoop) of grounds per cup; 2.11644 oz (60 grams) per day.
Death Wish Coffee grounds cost $1.20 per cup.
The AeroPress device, broken up into 730 cups, costs $0.04 per cup.
Cost of an AeroPress coffee:
Water & Electricity (per cup): $0.40.
Filter: $0.04.
2.12 oz (30 grams) of Death Wish coffee: $1.20.
AeroPress device (per cup): $0.04.
Total: $1.68.
It costs $1.68 for a DIY AeroPress coffee. Remember, it’s Death Wish coffee grounds. It’s far more expensive than the Siriusdollar brand. But, per cup it’s cheaper. Besides, your DIY AeroPress coffee is better. You’re the master of your taste buds. You know better than Siriusdollar what you enjoy.
730 cups of Siriusdollar coffees put you back $1,277.50.
730 cups of AeroPress brewed Death Wish coffees put you back $1,226.40.
That’s a saving of $51.10 per year.
You’re getting better coffee AND saving money.